The Challenges of Implementing a New System in Your Business

Have you tried to start a new exercise routine and started out really positive and enthusiastic and then your muscles started aching, you weren't as good as you wanted to be and was getting quite frustrated with the whole process and then after a few sessions or weeks you end up giving up because it's all too hard. You are not seeing any of the positives of the exercise routine yet but it is just too hard to keep going. 

This can be the same when you are trying to implement new systems and processes in your business. You know things aren't working and you want to improve them but you lose patience in the process of learning and implementing the system and you give up and go back to your old ways before you have seen any of the great results of having these new systems and processes in place in your business. 

In this week’s episode of The Design Dialogues Podcast I look at some of the challenges that you can come across when you are implementing new systems and processes in your business. I talk about some of the things I have learnt from my year of trial and error of trying to work out my social media processes. 

Just like anything you need to get better at, you need to put in time and effort to learn and implement the new systems and processes - it is definitely worth the effort (and sometimes frustration 🙂)

Make sure to check out the episode.


How good are your working relationships?


Are you trying to put a square peg in a round hole?