How good are your working relationships?

How many times have you been on site and regardless of how much prep work you put in and how organized you are something goes wrong. Especially if your project is a renovation and there are always a few little unknowns that pop up during demolition. 

How these situations turn out pretty much always comes down to the relationships you have and the people you can call on to help. Whether it be a builder on site who you have worked with several times and who you know will work through the issue with you to come up with the best solution or a supplier who will do everything they can to get something delivered for you quickly. 

These relationships we have can really make or break how these problem situations unfold. 

In this week’s episode of The Design Dialogues Podcast I am talking with Vito Marzullo from Anterior XL and the importance of having a strong working relationship with stone supplier and stone mason is really highlighted throughout our conversation. 

I know in my own design studio being able to call on these relationships has gotten me out of a couple of sticky situations over the years. 


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