How Much Do You Love Digital Marketing?

We all know marketing is a big part of a successful business. However it is not always a skill that comes easily - we don’t get taught it at design school along with all the business skills we need to run our businesses (hint - this is where More Time To Design can help you 🙂

I don’t really love the marketing side of business. Being super honest, it is something I struggle with and will ALWAYS go to the bottom of my todo list. As I said to Penny Wilson in this week’s podcast episode, if I loved marketing I would have become a marketer :). 

I am fortunate that my husband is in marketing - he loves it and is very good at it (proud wife boast) and he is great for bouncing ideas off and also correcting my course sometimes when I start to lose the plot a bit and go around in circles (anyone else feel like that with social media posts, blog, email marketing, paid advertising….ahhhh). 

Having someone in your corner, for things in our business which we are not as skilled in, is so crucial. It might be a business coach who helps guides you through things, a mentor or industry group who helps show your the ropes of parts of your business that you not comfortable with or it might be that you might outsource some areas of work to people who are more skilled in that area (think bookkeeper or digital marketing expert). Someone recently said to me that knowing the right time to ask for help is key to being successful in business. 

In this week’s episode of The Design Dialogues Podcast I talk to Penny Wilson who is an expert in all things digital marketing (yes that means more than just the social’s). 

Make sure to listen to the episode as Penny shares why it is important to have a strategy before you even start posting or sending out emails. 


Do you educate your clients