Do you educate your clients

Ever been in a situation where a potential client reaches out to you, only for you to wonder afterward if they truly grasp what you do? It's a common scenario many of us in the design industry face.

Over the past year, I've engaged in numerous conversations with fellow designers, all echoing the same sentiment: we need to step up our efforts in educating the public about the role of interior designers and the immense value we bring to their projects. After all, the most successful project outcomes often stem from our involvement right from the outset.

But how exactly do we go about this? How do we enlighten our prospective clients?

In this week's installment of The Design Dialogues Podcast, I had the pleasure of chatting with Jane Ledger from Jane Ledge Interiors. Jane has taken the initiative to address this issue head-on by launching her own podcast, aimed at educating future clients on the potential benefits of working with an interior designer. I truly believe Jane's podcast serves as a valuable tool for everyone in the industry.

What strategies have you employed to showcase your value to clients?

Be sure to tune in to the episode and join the conversation.

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