Do you understand your numbers?

I have heard so many times from studio owners that ‘I’m not good with numbers’ and that always worries me. Understanding your numbers is really the difference between running your studio as a hobby and running it as a successful business.

Just like good business processes and systems, like we have in More Time To Design, are so important, good financial processes and systems are crucial to running a successful and sustainable interior design studio.

In this week’s episode of The Design Dialogues I chat with Justin McLean from the Flossi Files about all things financial and the important foundations that we all need to have as small business owners.

It can be daunting - I know. I have been guilty at times of putting my head in the sand when it has come to understanding the figures of my business but once you get over that initial feeling of ‘oh my gosh am I ever going to understand these’ it is so emporwering knowing what is happening financially in your business.

Make sure to check out the episode here - you will learn so much.


Are you trying to put a square peg in a round hole?